Monday, 17 March 2014

DNV Global Solutions 10 Golden Rules For Excellent Customer Service

    1/ The old adage, the customer is always right, should always be remembered. Your main objective is to service and satisfy customer needs and strive for customer satisfaction!

    2/ Be a good listener. Take time to identify customer needs. Effective listening and undivided attention are particularly important on the show floor where there is a great danger of looking around to see to who else we could be selling to.
    3/ Identify and anticipate needs. Customers don't buy products or services. They buy good feelings and solutions to problems. Most customer needs are emotional rather than logical. The more you know your customers, the better you become at anticipating their needs.
    4/ Make customers feel important and appreciated by treating them as individuals. Always use their name when talking to them as it personalises their experience. People value sincerity and It creates good feeling and trust which hopefully builds a relationship which will lead to brand loyalty.
    5/ Always look for ways to help your customers. When they have a request (as long as it is reasonable) tell them that you can do it and figure out how to later. Try to make doing business with you easy and always do what you say you are going to do.
    6/ When something goes wrong, apologise. Customers appreciate it. Deal with problems immediately and let customers know what you have done. Make it simple for customers to complain and value their complaints as it gives us an opportunity to improve our service.

    7/ Think of ways to elevate yourself above the competition. It can be a crowded market and by changing small aspects of your business it could lead to greater customer acquisition rates.

    8/ Get regular feedback, encourage and welcome suggestions about how you could improve.

    9/ Treat the people you work with well, they are your internal customers and need a regular dose of appreciation. Thank them and find ways to let them know how important they are.

    10/ The golden rule of customer service is always put the customer first! Ensuring they have a positive experience when dealing with you should be your number one priority.

Monday, 10 March 2014

DNV Global Solutions on Brand Loyalty & Direct Marketing

Brand loyalty is defined as the tendency of some consumers to continue buying the same brand of goods rather than competing brands.

In the age of the internet, Brand Loyalty is slowly disappearing. Apart from a few exceptions, top brands aren't able to retain their status as market leaders as long as they used to. So what's changed? Before the internet people tended to make purchase decisions based on advertisements and past experiences with a company. However, a recent study by PricewaterhouseCoopers found that 80% of consumers now look at online reviews before making major purchases, and a host of studies have logged the strong influence those reviews have on the decisions people make. 

So what can companies do to fix this? Alter their marketing strategy! At DNV Global Solutions, in our experience consumer confidence and brand loyalty go hand in hand. If a customer feels their buying experience has been positive and the customer care has been to a high standard then it instils greater consumer confidence which is something that will be considered when making future purchases.

A direct marketing campaign allows a company to get their message out to customers on an individual basis, rather than through a mass medium as with more traditional marketing methods. “I firmly believe that our approach of face to face marketing is one of the greatest advantages we have over our competitors. Having the opportunity to speak to someone face to face allows us to build a relationship with our customers. It is a much more personal approach than many other marketing strategies. Being able to greet customers with a smile and a handshake is what instils consumer confidence, which naturally builds brand loyalty. “ James Watson, Managing Director at DNV Global Solutions.

Many companies are now outsourcing their marketing and sales to companies like DNV Global Solutions. We put the customer first! By ensuring their experience is a positive one from start to finish we are able to instil consumer confidence which in turn produces higher acquisition rates for our clients while remaining extremely cost effective! The first time a consumer makes a purchase is the prime opportunity to build a relationship and begin to establish brand loyalty. By taking a more direct and personalised approach to marketing, consumer confidence and brand loyalty will simultaneously rise.

Through direct marketing we will continue to strive for customer satisfaction and brand loyalty for our clients.

Friday, 21 February 2014

DNV Global Solutions ~ Working Smarter, Not Harder

How many times have you found yourself saying “there aren't enough hours in the day”? Wishing there were 30 hours in a day instead of 24? We often found ourselves overwhelmed with the amount of work we have to complete on a daily basis. Here's some food for thought, work smarter not harder!

The main problem is getting bogged down with menial tasks rather than prioritising. Below are some excellent tips to help make your day run more smoothly and productively.

1/ Get An Early Start

It seems so simple but by starting your day earlier, you will inevitably be more productive. The urge to snooze your alarm in the morning plagues nearly all of us. Don't be tempted, get out of bed the first time your alarm goes and get your day started. It’s so much nicer and less stressful to get an earlier start on something.

2/ Complete The Most Important Tasks First

This is the golden rule of time management. Identify the tasks that are most crucial to be completed first allows you to get the most important tasks of the day out of the way first.

3/ Learn To Say “no”

Agreeing to help a colleague or attending a meeting you hadn't pre-planned for can set back your whole day. Although being able to juggle various engagements and manage your time well is a great skill to have, your main objective should be to take on only those commitments that you know you have time for.

4/ Devote Your Entire Energy & Focus To The Task At Hand

Don't allow yourself to be extracted by your phone or your favourite social media site.
Concentrate on one task. At a time. Concentrating solely on one things naturally produces greater results than trying to multi-task.

5/ Commit To Your Plan And Follow It Through

Don’t flake on your own plan to do something! Be resolute. Be committed. Be professional about it, and follow through. A will to accomplish what you decide to accomplish will take you anywhere.

Thursday, 6 February 2014

DNV Global Solutions On The Benefits Of Direct Marketing

As the fastest growing Events Marketing company in Scotland, DNV Global Solutions explore the benefits of Direct Marketing and why more and more companies are turning away from traditional forms of advertising and marketing to outsource the work to companies like ours.  

* By using Direct Marketing it enables companies to inform customers directly about new offers and promotions.

* It can be used to experiment in new markets and test new products providing information for future campaigns.

* It is more cost-effective than other marketing methods.

* It can help build a more personal relationship with customers, instilling greater consumer confidence, in turn achieving greater sales.

* It allows companies to focus on specific groups of targeted customers for better results.

* It can provide direct feedback, which in turn helps monitor and review the current marketing strategy.

* The results are quantifiable with a more accurate estimate of the conversion rate, thus helping plan for future campaigns more effectively.

In the current economic climate where many companies are looking to slash their budgets it is a no brainer to turn to outsourcing and Direct Marketing.  What we do is measurable which means companies know the return they get for their investment.  At DNV Global Solutions we provide a very effective service while keeping it extremely cost effective.  

Monday, 3 February 2014

DNV Global Solutions Look Into The Influence Of Technology on Advertising?

The world in which we now live is extremely fast paced. We've become accustomed to having things done at the touch of a button. We are impatient and don't like to have to wait, the same ideology applies to Television. Why watch adverts when you now have the luxury of fast forwarding through pre recorded programmes? As more and more people are changing the way they watch TV with the introduction of platforms such as Sky Go, Sky Plus, Virgins Tivo and other alternatives, the question has to be asked, how will technology influence companies marketing?

Research shows that 86% of people fast forward through adverts when watching shows they've pre-recorded. With companies paying large sums of money on advertising campaigns, especially during prime time programming, it is inevitable they may begin to consider spending their budget on alternative marketing methods. While it is undeniable the massive impact that a TV advertisement has it also unmeasurable in terms of customer acquisition rates. A company is unable to ascertain the percentage of customers who purchased or subscribed to their products/services based on a TV advertising campaign.

“I predict that more companies will start to opt for more direct marketing strategies. How, where and when people watch TV has changed, therefore so will companies approach to advertising. One of the reasons DNV has continued to go from strength to strength is our personalised, cost effective marketing methods. Our ability to plan and implement a direct marketing campaign in a short space of time, generating high customer acquisition rates, rapidly increasing our clients Brand Awareness and Market Share has made our business model extremely attractive to many companies .” ~ Managing Director, James Watson

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

DNV Global Solutions Recommended Reading

Knowledge is power.  The more you know the further you can go.  Learning is the key to success! Managing Director, James Watson, has provided a short blurb on 5 books that have had a positive influence on him personally and professionally.

1/ Who Moved My Cheese? ~ Spencer Johnson

This book explores how easily people can adapt to their environment. It taught me to be open to change and that sometimes you have to change with the times in home and business. It also showed me how important it is not to be set in your ways and to learn to adapt to different situations life throws at you.

2/ How To Win Friends And Influence People ~ Dale Carnegie

Reading this book changed how I my perception on life. I read it when I was 23 years old and just starting out in business. It taught me how to win people over not just in business but also in life. It taught me to be a better person and I personally found it to be life changing.

3/ Screw Business as Usual ~ Richard Branson

This book teaches you that in order to achieve great success you often have to be adventurous and think outside the box. Don't be a sheep be a leader. It explains the importance of taking risks in business.

4/ 7 Habits of Highly Effective People ~ Stephen Covey

I knew Bill Clinton had read it and invited the author to be a consultant to give him advice on becoming a better president. It talks about different roles in life and improving, not just work, but also in your personal life. It teaches you how to be a better friend, father, husband, son etc by having a well balanced lifestyle.

5/ Personality Plus ~ Dr Florence Littauer

Reading Personality Plus taught me how to deal with and understand different types of people. It also makes the point that nobody is better, just different. It changed the way I looked at being a Manager and since reading this book I've changed the way that I manage people.

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

DNV Global Solutions Reflect on Our Success In 2013

Kicking off 2014 on a high, we attended the National Sales Rally in London this past weekend. The ceremony was attend by 2000 people and over 200 awards were given out on the day. It was an opportunity to witness our industries highest achievers being recognised for their efforts over the last 12 months.

Picking up awards from Glasgow were;

Top Performer ~ David Graham

Rising Star ~ Rania Noumaan

Reflecting on 2013, we thought it best to let the figures speak for themselves;

  • We recruited over 10,000 donors for charities
  • We raised over £1.2 million in donations
  • In the second half of 2013 we helped the UK's largest telecoms client increase their turnover by over £1,000,000

As our client portfolio grows so does our opportunity to expand. This year we are looking to move into other markets in the UK, then take DNV Global Solutions international, opening up in Australia by the end of the year.

“As traditional marketing methods are beginning to be over looked in favour of more cost effective and measurable marketing campaigns I predict big things for Direct Marketing in 2014. Personally I am anticipating that DNV Global Solutions will have our most successful year yet.” ~ Managing Director James Watson