Friday 21 February 2014

DNV Global Solutions ~ Working Smarter, Not Harder

How many times have you found yourself saying “there aren't enough hours in the day”? Wishing there were 30 hours in a day instead of 24? We often found ourselves overwhelmed with the amount of work we have to complete on a daily basis. Here's some food for thought, work smarter not harder!

The main problem is getting bogged down with menial tasks rather than prioritising. Below are some excellent tips to help make your day run more smoothly and productively.

1/ Get An Early Start

It seems so simple but by starting your day earlier, you will inevitably be more productive. The urge to snooze your alarm in the morning plagues nearly all of us. Don't be tempted, get out of bed the first time your alarm goes and get your day started. It’s so much nicer and less stressful to get an earlier start on something.

2/ Complete The Most Important Tasks First

This is the golden rule of time management. Identify the tasks that are most crucial to be completed first allows you to get the most important tasks of the day out of the way first.

3/ Learn To Say “no”

Agreeing to help a colleague or attending a meeting you hadn't pre-planned for can set back your whole day. Although being able to juggle various engagements and manage your time well is a great skill to have, your main objective should be to take on only those commitments that you know you have time for.

4/ Devote Your Entire Energy & Focus To The Task At Hand

Don't allow yourself to be extracted by your phone or your favourite social media site.
Concentrate on one task. At a time. Concentrating solely on one things naturally produces greater results than trying to multi-task.

5/ Commit To Your Plan And Follow It Through

Don’t flake on your own plan to do something! Be resolute. Be committed. Be professional about it, and follow through. A will to accomplish what you decide to accomplish will take you anywhere.

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