Tuesday 21 January 2014

DNV Global Solutions Recommended Reading

Knowledge is power.  The more you know the further you can go.  Learning is the key to success! Managing Director, James Watson, has provided a short blurb on 5 books that have had a positive influence on him personally and professionally.

1/ Who Moved My Cheese? ~ Spencer Johnson

This book explores how easily people can adapt to their environment. It taught me to be open to change and that sometimes you have to change with the times in home and business. It also showed me how important it is not to be set in your ways and to learn to adapt to different situations life throws at you.

2/ How To Win Friends And Influence People ~ Dale Carnegie

Reading this book changed how I my perception on life. I read it when I was 23 years old and just starting out in business. It taught me how to win people over not just in business but also in life. It taught me to be a better person and I personally found it to be life changing.

3/ Screw Business as Usual ~ Richard Branson

This book teaches you that in order to achieve great success you often have to be adventurous and think outside the box. Don't be a sheep be a leader. It explains the importance of taking risks in business.

4/ 7 Habits of Highly Effective People ~ Stephen Covey

I knew Bill Clinton had read it and invited the author to be a consultant to give him advice on becoming a better president. It talks about different roles in life and improving, not just work, but also in your personal life. It teaches you how to be a better friend, father, husband, son etc by having a well balanced lifestyle.

5/ Personality Plus ~ Dr Florence Littauer

Reading Personality Plus taught me how to deal with and understand different types of people. It also makes the point that nobody is better, just different. It changed the way I looked at being a Manager and since reading this book I've changed the way that I manage people.

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