Tuesday 14 January 2014

DNV Global Solutions Reflect on Our Success In 2013

Kicking off 2014 on a high, we attended the National Sales Rally in London this past weekend. The ceremony was attend by 2000 people and over 200 awards were given out on the day. It was an opportunity to witness our industries highest achievers being recognised for their efforts over the last 12 months.

Picking up awards from Glasgow were;

Top Performer ~ David Graham

Rising Star ~ Rania Noumaan

Reflecting on 2013, we thought it best to let the figures speak for themselves;

  • We recruited over 10,000 donors for charities
  • We raised over £1.2 million in donations
  • In the second half of 2013 we helped the UK's largest telecoms client increase their turnover by over £1,000,000

As our client portfolio grows so does our opportunity to expand. This year we are looking to move into other markets in the UK, then take DNV Global Solutions international, opening up in Australia by the end of the year.

“As traditional marketing methods are beginning to be over looked in favour of more cost effective and measurable marketing campaigns I predict big things for Direct Marketing in 2014. Personally I am anticipating that DNV Global Solutions will have our most successful year yet.” ~ Managing Director James Watson

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